What would Tom Daschle say to this?


New member
Sep 20, 2000
Thursday, March 20, 2003
Iraqi-Americans Rejoice

While many media are giving publicity to appeasement protests by non-Iraqi Muslims in America, the Orange County Register today noted that Iraqi-Americans are celebrating and praising President Bush.

"This is the day we've been waiting for" was the theme of a gathering of Iraqi-Americans last night in Tustin, Calif.

"My mind is with the people over there, what they're thinking right now," said Mohammad Alnajafi. "I know they're scared, but it's like they're in a tunnel running toward the light. These moments are like centuries for them. No one knows what Saddam might do, but he cannot take the country hostage forever."

"I would like to go kiss Bush on his head," said Faiza Nouri, 62. Her son has been missing in Iraq for more than 20 years

New member
Sep 20, 2000
Thank you,I will..he is one of the most wormiest fxckin individuals on earth he makes my skin crawl...the most 2 faced phoney anti american in politics today.Th hear him talk you might think he was Jaque Ch-iraqs interperter.
i have tried to give even handed reasoning on this forum regarding this issue...when it comes to daschle,i lose my composure....the guy`s a piece of s-it....an enormous hypocrite.....i don`t give a damn if he was a veteran...that`s no excuse for being disingenuous...when clinton went after saddam,he was gung ho....gave speeches indicating that sddam was a thug and that we should go in and get him...now,he`s obviously looking to make political hay at absolutely the wrong time...a political opportunist and absolutely dishonest....

there will be plenty of time for recriminations when our boys come home...be consistent and honest in your views....don`t flip flop based on what political party is in the oval office....take a cue from the dick gephardt`s and the joe lieberman`s and support the troops until they get home....not play slimy politics while our boys are in harm`s way....

it`s very possible,that if this war ends quickly and goes well,daschle will go the way of the do-do bird and the dixie chicks....

speaking of the dixie chicks...how stupid is that girl....with your main fan base made up of basically hard working blue collar country music fans that are among the most unflaggingly patriotic people in this country(i think they would back the u.s. if we invaded the vatican
),you go out and make anti-president,anti-war statements in a public forum....that girl may have ended her career,much in the jane fonda tradition...she has a right to say what she feels....but,she may have ended her 2 buddy`s careers along with her own....always look before you leap....
Sep 21, 2004
...with your main fan base made up of basically hard working blue collar country music fans that are among the most unflaggingly patriotic people in this countryn

Are you saying rednecks are apathetic?

don't even try to have a meaninful discourse with that voodoo dummy.

your post on das - hole was very eloquent!

first Iraq, then France

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I have to admit, I like Tom Daschle. I really do. I think he's done more to harm the Democratic party than anyone alive, and I hope he continues without understanding the alienation he is causing amongst a large portion of the regular Democrats in this country, as I would never vote another Democrat into the presidency and he doesn't realize how he's poisoning his party's chances. He has squarely put himself in a position to benefit only if America is hurt - not because of just those statements the other day but because of his continual posturing to that affect. GO, TD!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Tommy is my hero!

1- I love you!
2- The check is in the mail!
3- I wont cum in your mouth!
Sep 21, 2004
Tough to have "meaningful discourse" in a meaningless thread.

What exactly is a voodoo dummy? Do you mean a voodoo doll? Is a voodoo dummy a person who believes or doesn't believe in voodoo?

Come on. Take the joke. Take it!

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